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Very VP of Engineering Speaks at Security Summit

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Veronica Goudzward

April 1, 2020
1 min read

Very’s VP of Engineering, Bill Brock, recently spoke at the COVID-19 Immediate Secure Remote Work Response Summit, a virtual event hosted by Attila Security aimed at helping technology leaders secure their newly remote environments.

As an experienced practitioner of remote team management and security, Bill joined a panel of leaders from other remote-first companies to share proven tactics for working securely with a distributed team.

In addition to sharing remote work security tips live, Bill also authored this robust guide, Playbook for Secure Remote Work During COVID-19 and Beyond for leaders to take with them and reference as needed.

“With years of experience of working remotely under our belts, we at Very feel a responsibility now to share our knowledge with other leaders who are being thrown into remote work at a time of crisis,” Bill said. “We’re interested in helping people shorten their ‘trial-and-error’ period as much as possible.”

Check out the full secure remote work guide here.